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Discounts on Kadima Events! Access to HaGalil Regional Events! An Incredible Experience You'll Never Forget!
Teaneck Kadima is our middle school aged youth group (grades 6-8). We have events and activities that are specifically catered to our needs. From shul-ins, to bowling, to meeting other jewish youth from all over New Jersey,Kadima puts the needs of adolescent jewish youth first! "Kadima" literally means forward-- and all of our programs look forward to the development of positive jewish identities in each and every one of our participants. All of that aside-- Kadima is a place to have fun with our peers outside of school!
Kadima Dues 2019-20: $50 per Kadimanick
Does your family belong to Congregation Beth Sholom, Teaneck?
Custodial Parent or Guardian's First Name
Custodial Parent or Guardian's Last Name
Parent or Guardian's email
Guardian or Parent's Cell Phone
Please give the name, address, home phone and phone number of an adult other than a parent or guardian to contact in case of emergency.
I agree to waive all rights and claims against Congregation Beth Sholom and their agents and employees which may arise out of my son/daughter’s participation. I understand that my son/daughter’s participation may involve transportation in private vehicles to which I consent. I understand and agree that Teaneck Kadima/USY Youth Programs has no liability if my child travels to an event in any vehicle not provided by Teaneck Kadima/USY Youth Programs.
I certify that I understand my son/daughter’s participation in Youth programs can involve rigorous physical activity, and I further certify that my son/daughter is in good physical condition, and that my son/daughter has no medical or physical conditions that would restrict my son/daughter’s participation.
In case of a medical emergency, accident or health problem where immediate treatment is deemed necessary, every effort will be made to expeditiously contact the parent(s) or guardian of the child. In the event they cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to a physician selected by the youth program, its employees, advisors or agents, to hospitalize, secure proper and ongoing treatment and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as named above. I am aware that this form may be photocopied for use by medical care givers.
I hereby grant permission for Congregation Beth Sholom to take pictures at non-Shabbat events and to use my child’s name, likeness or photograph in any publication, advertisement, display or other medium in connection with the programs, activities and events of Congregation Beth Sholom.